Musings and Rants from an Edgy Teenager

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February 19, 2025: Good Food, Bad Recipe

I started cooking from home last year in order to improve the quality of my life, give me a feeling of accomplishment, and help out my family. I am the only person who cooks in the house, so I had very little guidance on where to start and understanding certain things about it. I’d confuse tablespoons with teaspoons. When looking online, I felt like everyone knew more than me and there was conflicting advice everywhere

So after cooking the recipe I'll be talking about today, I got to thinking about the wannabe cook I was then (and still am now). This recipe, to me, is a reminder that sometimes, the result of a recipe is not always on the fault of the cook and sometimes on the recipe.

This recipe is titled "Boursin Cheese Pasta” from Food Dolls. It's a cheesy pasta with tomatoes and spinach. It's one of those pasta recipes where you put a block of cheese in the center and surround it with grape tomatoes. This recipe is a little different from other recipes similar to it because it contains broth and heavy cream to make this a one dish recipe.

While I'm not at all opposed to one dish recipes, I do not like the execution of this one. Expecting pasta to cook in a baking dish like this, just didn't work out for me. I felt like some of the pasta was cooked while other parts were still crunchy. Also within the writing and formatting of the recipe itself could use work. In one section of the recipe, it lists the spinach under the section about mixing the spices together as one of the ingredients in the mix when the spinach is actually supposed to appear later on in the recipe after the pasta has cooked.

I would honestly recommend cooking the pasta in a separate pot then after that's done and the tomatoes and cheese cooked, stir in the pasta in a similar fashion to other recipes. That way you can save the money from the heavy cream and the broth on other things. I know it's one extra thing to clean but it's worth it to know that the pasta is cooked all the way through.

I knew that if I'd come across this recipe as even more of a beginner, I would've been very confused and probably panicked a little. It is just pasta at the end of the day but for me it's also the time and money I spent.

Thank you so much for reading this little rant of mine (: